I know this post already exists, but I my problem is different.
I was running crossover on trial version 6.0.1 I bought the software and upgraded to version 6.1 and eve starts up, the little screen refreshes into a bigger screen but the Eve Revelation screen never reloads, the big screen goes black, then it closes the emulator screen.
I've tried reloading the MachoNet.bash file. The font and configuration changes I made on version 6.0.1 are still in place. The only thing I haven't tried is deleting crossover and Eve and totally reinstalling everything. I hope I won't need to do that. If anyone had this problem and fixed it, let me know.
Update: Leave it to me to reinvent the wheel. Come to find out 6.1 does all the tuning we had to do with 6.0.1 automatically. However, now i'm getting the audio pop up window and crossover resets. In the cache folder prefs.ini, there is no setting voiceenabled. Do I add it? Set master volume to zero? Help.