I'm trying to get my fps maximised, and the windowed environment to work properly, and my mouse to move most quickly.
The one I'm having most trouble with is window size.
Currently, I have CrossOver set to run a 1440 x 800 virtual desktop. My LCD is 1440 x 900. Eve is set to run windowed in that space. If I set Eve to run fullscreen often is just collapses into a tiny 600x400 box and I cannot see the whole interface any longer, and can't reset the window settings within Eve anymore. (See picture here http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o215/nibbly/Picture4.png).
However, in Windowed, it has shifted the Eve display down by about 20 pixels. There's a black bar at the top of my window, and the bottom is sliced off. So I can't see in-game minimised dialogs. (See picture here http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o215/nibbly/Picture2.png).
I've had the most success using the 'allow window manager to control windows' setting turned on.
I've followed all the tips in this eve-online thread.
Also the mouse seems to track slowly.
So - I'm wondering if there is an optimal setting for speed and showing all the pixels of the display?