Hi all I want to suggest opensource alternatives to epic games launcher. For linux users is avalible a solid solution that works out of the box, the project is called Heroic. The native launcher is rich of features: epic games store browser web plugin embedded, Saves Autosync, Download and play games, Autoupdate to the games and the client itself. It allows to use wine and proton, as wrapper it detects them out of the box. On git hub I proposed to add crossover as a wine and proton alternative. For now If you want to play your games from epic store with crossover, just execute their exes in a bottle. Here's the link to Heroic github page (for linux users only) https://github.com/flavioislim... . Show this project some love it deserves it. For mac users I suggest a valid alternative, the project name is rare. Rare is still in a beta stage but has many features. It has a store browser and allows to manage your library very well. Rare is crossplatform avalible for mac linux and wondows. If you want to install it as a native mac application try the following procedure: First install the latest python release for mac https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.9.1/python-3.9.1-macos11.0.pkg . After python is successfully installed in a terminal type pip install rare (if an error occours run pip3 install rare, but first try pip). Pip is a powerful script that will install the software and all its dependencies for you, once pip has done its job, in a terminal type the command rare. This procedure doesn't work on macos Big Sur and M1 chips, the required version of pyqtwebengine is not avalible for these platforms and so rare can't be installed through pip. I don't know if rare can actually interact with crossover as of now, but you can run your game going to its installation folder and executing the game's exe with crossover. If you don't feel ready for some command line work, a stand alone exe is avalible the only downside is that due to a wine python bug, the exe must be executed with root privileges it's an easy fix but not a secure path. Here is the link to the rare project:https://github.com/Dummerle/Ra... If you don't want to use rare with root permissions and if you are on Big Sur a third option is avalible, you can compile rare through wine python pip. First create a Bottle (windows 10 64 bit) named rare, exactly rare, in this bottle install the latest version of python for windows https://www.python.org/ftp/pyt... after that open the rare bottle with your file manager and go to c:/users/crossover/Local Settings/Application Data/Programs/python/python39/ in there rename the file python.exe in python3.exe exactly like this python3.exe . After that open this folder in a terminal and type /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle rare --cx-app python3.exe Scripts/pip.exe install rare. Rare is finally installed. In order to run rare, go in python39 folder and then go inside the folder Scripts and you'll find rare.exe create a shortcut with crossover and execute it, now you can use rare. As said before rare is still in beta it does its job though, during games download the gui will crash but the command line window will still be there, fear not rare is missing the progress bar feature, it will be added soon enough though, if the cli windows is there once you selected to download the game, this means that the downloading process is still there, once it automatically disappear it means the download is over and you can play your game, just restart rare and it will appear in your installed games list. Enjoy your epic games launcher without the need of the launcher itself ;)