I had a bottle with EA installed into it, which worked under Crossover 8.0 within a 32 bit Linux environment. This bottle was archived.
I've upgraded to 64 bit Linux and CX9 - and EA can no longer connect to a shared MySQL database for the model. It's acting like it cannot find one of the DAO DLLS.
Accessing a local model works - only accessing a model via MySQL fails.
Downgrading to CX8 32 bit and re-installing the archived bottle restores the ability to access the shared DB.
Additionally: the install recipe for CX9 doesn't work (same symptoms: cannot access shared MySQL model, can access local model).
Also: I found that the recipe for CX9 didn't like it if my ~/.cxoffice was NFS mounted (IE6 would never install. Manually attempting to install IE7 also failed). Moving ~/.cxoffice to local storage and symlinking it back to my NFS mounted home dir fixed this.
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