EndNote 8 installed with only one minor problem. The Word XP add-in was not installed for "Cite While You Write". This was easily corrected by copying the EN8CWYW.dot and EN8Cwyw.WordXP.wll files from the ".cxoffice/dotwine/fake_windows/Program Files/EndNote 8" directory into the ".cxoffice/dotwine/fake_windows/Windows/Application Data/Microsoft/Word/STARTUP" directory.
EndNote 8 seems to open up fine and even converted one of my older EndNote 7 databases without any errors. The main problem is that the list of references in the main window does not display. However, the entries are there it's just that they are not visisble. You can click on the "invisible" entries and see the appropriate information in the preview window. Also, double clicking on an "invisible" entry will open the full form in which the information is displayed correctly. The "Cite While You Write" functionality seems to be working correctly.