This program is made from the government, and residents are encouraged to use the electronic form to transmit their tax-info to the government.
There are several things that need to be tested, for example you have to get a certificate, one, for free, is software, the other one is a USB-_Stick that needs a driver. That would need to be tested.
If you first install the program into a fresh bottle, it will give you several errors. One can be fixed by downloading MSVCP60.DLL and putting it into system32-folder.
After that, Elster starts up fine, with a minor error: No XML-Files can be read, and no Internet-Con, so it is impossible to download updates and transmit the taxes afterwards.
I found out, when I install "Steam" in CrossOverGames, there comes an XML-Parser with it and an HTML-Engine and stuff. After steam (and the other things) are installed, and the MSVCP60.DLL is put into System32, Elster just runs fine in that very same bottle, Steam is installed to!!