Your notes aren't lost they are still in the old bottle. What I ended up doing was locating my original bottle and transferring all of my modules and notes into a separate folder, deleting all of the other bottles including the original and reinstalling e-sword 9 from codeweavers. I attempted to install Version 10 and had the same results. I would recommend looking to the e-sword forums on how to install version 10 or when codeweavers will have the new version to install via CrossTie. But I can walk you through retrieving your notes and modules.
You said you are running Snow Leopard so you should have access to your Library File in your home directory. Lion hid the Library file and I had to type a command in to unhide it. If it is hidden for any reason open up a command prompt by opening your Applications Folder, then opening the Utilities Folder and clicking on the Terminal option. Once at the terminal window type in: chflags nohidden ~/Library/
This will unhide you library folder if it has been hidden.
Next follow this path:
Home Directory/Library/Application Support/Crossover/Bottles/e-Sword/drive_c/Program Files/e-Sword
In this file are all of your modules; bibles, maps, commentary, dictionaries, and the like.
Copy this folder to a safe place like your desktop.
Next to retrieve your notes and journal entries follow this path:
Home Directory/documents/e-Sword
In here is your notes, journal, bookmarks. Save these to the desktop as well
Next, uninstall e-sword by dragging the icon from the application folder to the trash; then delete all of the e-sword bottle files from the Crossover Bottles folder.
Now reinstall e-Sword using CrossTie from the Codeweavers homepage;
Replace the e-Sword file in the new bottle with the one you saven on your desktop and the file in the documents directory as well. Start e-Sword and you should be good as new.