This is just plain weird... I have an iMac which I am running 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard) on with CXG 8.0 and PyLotRO on for both LOTRO and DDO with no problems.
I have a MacBook Pro which had been running 10.5 (leopard) with CXG 7.2 and LotroMac... also for both DDO and LOTRO with no problems.
I just upgraded the MacBook Pro to Snow Leopard and CXG 8.0 and PyLotRO... sort of successfully (I thought).
PyLotRO launches and successfully reads the realm list and World Configuration. However when I enter my userid and Password, PyLotRO returns the message: "[E06] Account marked as not active"... Yet I can log on via the iMac sitting next to the MacBook Pro with no problems (both are using the same WiFi/DSL connection.
There are other Wine/X11 issues also. PyLotRO launches a black screen with a "wine icon" in the lower left corner. Double clicking on that logo launches the opening LOTRO screen, which then goes to the authentication screen, where it hangs without (apparently) successfully contacting that server.
Attempting to install another application, the installer comes up with the message, "Unable to connect to server, try later."
These all smell like some kind of "Internet connection issue with CXG. However, the MacBook Pro itself has no problem connecting to the Internet. I can't find any clues as to why CXG 8 suddenly won't talk to the Network connection.
Note this is with PyLotRO v1.11 (test) and v.11a (release). Patching apparently works fine, with the exception that the message: "Runtime Error
Program c:\windowws\system32\rundll32.exe
R6025 Pure virtual funciton call.
This tends to appear 0 to 3 times at the beginning of patching, but then patching continues with no apparent problems.
Subsequent patch runs list 0 files and 0 bytes to patch.
Any clues?