Step 1:
Install Drakensang from your DVD in a new bottle called "Drakensang".
Step 2:
Download Patch 1.01 and install it
Patch: (higher patches not tested)
Step 3:
Download DirectX 9.c March 2009 and install it, earlier versions don't work.
Step 4:
Download the archive drakensangdlls.tar.gz, extract it and run the script with "sh". Be sure that Drakensang is installed in the bottle "Drakensang".
Download Rapidshare:
Download Filefront:;13851011;/fileinfo.html
Step 5:
Run Drakensang. When u get the message "Could not create render target surface!" then do following:
Open the Crossover Run-Window, change to bottle "Drakensang" and start "regedit.exe".
Add the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D/OffscreenRenderingMode " and set the value to "fbo" (Key and value without "")
When there is no Direct3D, create it.
Step 6:
Start the game. The videos and the 3D mode should work. There are only minor graphic glitches with white trees and flying grass. :)