I continued the testing.
But it seems like something more is needed for this install. Like .net 3 or DirectX Modern etc. I do not know. I have just played a little bit and in one scene the character ran and ran in one direction without stopping, and heck it was only small mice. Maybe she is afraid of mice, hmm I have not thought of that...:) It was in the larder in the kitchen the noble human character. It seemed like it had something to do with the battle scene.
Installed physX 9.10.0224
Installed 6580.c4p (I do not think there is much of a change if I had installed using the regular DVD install approach, but perhaps the maker of it will also improve it.)
Installed the patch 1.04
Adjusted DragonAge.ini
GraphicsDetailLevel=1(which is medium graphics setting and it might work with some lag, if there is problems I will sett it back to 0)
I am figuring out that if I want to use higher then low graphic setting I will need to run the game in a window, or else it will crash. It seems It will crash anyhow on anything higher then low on graphics. For this install.
The configure screen outside of the game comes up blank in the video and audio section.
Testing out addins
I copied over 3 addins to the AddIns folder I had from a pc install.
I Also copied the AddIns.xml file (did a backup of the one that exists that is almost blank) to the Settings folder. Opened up the file and changed RequiresAuthorization="1" to 0, as I do not want it to require the authorization. (Right now I am not even sure what it implies)
I copied&pasted over some more downloadable content to the AddIns folder and added the extra content info to the xml file.
the info for addins
I restarted the game and they were all listed under the Installed Content tab.
Some of the content files were items and they showed up in the inventory.
In some of the files it tells to run the daupdater.exe in the bin_ship folder where one installed the game. To find it I went to Manage Bottles -> advanced -> Open C:Drive in Finder -> Program Files -> Dragon Age -> bin_ship -> run daupdater.exe
Another I tried running it was with Program -> Run Command and located the file and pressed run.
But I got the error: Command results
The command (the file location) returned 255 StdOut:
StdErr:wine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run.net executables.
I'll test out DAO Mod Manager at a later time.
It was cool to see that one can also add downloadable content to Dragon Age!
I continued some testing and followed the instructions on installing Leliana' Song.
I installed .net 2 (someone tipped about that in the other thread) into the dragon age bottle risking total destruction of the game install, but what the heck.
Programs -> Run Command
bottle dragon age
Program Files -> Dragon Age -> bin_ship -> run daupdater.exe
Yes it opened! I went to Manage bottles -> advanced Open C: Drive In Finder
Temporary found a place to put them so it would be easier for me to find them through the updater program.
Clicked Select DAZips highlighted all the files to install. Installed each one.
Next in the instructions was to run a .bat file. I did a search top right for .bat and info that Ken had shared came up.
I went to Programs -> Run Command -> in the Command bar wrote wineconsole cmd
Wrote Y: (for my Mac home folder, C: is inside the bottle, z: is inside the root of the drive )
cd desktop
cd name of the folder to where I need to go to find the .bat file.
When I came into the folder to where the .bat file was. I wrote the name of the bat file including the extension.
Lets say the .bat file was inside the DLC folder on the desktop:
In the dos like wineconsole cmd write:
cd desktop
cd DLC
It runs the .bat file.
Locate AddIns.xml in "C:/(Username)/Documents/Bioware/Dragon Age/Settings" and edit it using WordPad/notepad/textedit or any XML editor. Replace all RequiresAuthorization="1" with RequiresAuthorization="0". One can search to easier find and change.
I then started the game to see if the new content showed up. It showed up under Other Campaigns. I started the new campaign. The intro video started. I played the game for perhaps 15 minutes and it worked fine for me.
- A recap
I installed the newest patch 1.04
Installed Downloadable content. Some of which was just to copy and paste into the addins folder and change the addins.xml. Other content needed some more work to install.