Hey Brian, I've been trying to follow your advice and run a regedit, but there seems to be a problem. Mainly, I didn't know how to run a regedit - much less a bottle specific one (that was the way I read your post). I tried launching Task Manager and going New Task -> regedit. This did indeed open a Registration Editor window. It did not, however, contain the folder you specified, and seeing as I'm not any kind of expert, I didn't want to mess with the folders that were there.
The folders at my disposition are as follows:
I tried doing as Luis Garcia instructed in the Video Card Error thread, but I couldn't work the instructions out. I could enter the 'manage bottles' part, select the bottle in question and go to the Control Panel menu. From there, however, it was gibberish to me - I couldn't just click on a 'run' button and then write regedit - I had to use one of the existing programs, which were as follows:
Add/Remove Programs
I tried the winecfg, and some of the options that you, Brian, mentioned in your solution walkthrough were indeed there - I could recognize the Vertex Shader Support (which was set to hardware from default - =() and the 'Allow Pixel Shader' (also enabled from default). The rest, I could not find or recognize.
All help would be greatly appreciated - I want to play this game sooo bad.
Thanks in advance - Laurids.