Yeah, renaming the tip is a good idea...if I ever get mystified
about what version of crossover the tip was based on, I sometimes
use a wildcard string like "8.x.x" to narrow it down to that series...
The title not running under Steam with emulate a virtual desktop ON
doesn't surprise me so much (I've seen it before), but it does pique
my interest...
...your commandline looks about right (although there you're not invoking
taskset)...you possibly want to timeline the deus ex version against the
nvidia driver releases...perhaps 17700 isn't far enough back in time, I
really don't know...and then again, maybe this env_var is having no effect
at all...this problem afflicts 'real' windows boxes as well...in fact, iirc
this happened to my son years ago with this title when I upgraded his kit
from AMD K7 to K8 (or was it K6 to K7..?...I'm too old 8) ...and yes, he's
still got the CD but looks like somebody walked on it and cracked the media
...sigh...I wonder if he backed it up to a .ccd image....have a look here;
....we are a -long- way from the old days CPU wise -- I'm not sure how much
of that page can be melded into the crossover case, but by the looks of that
info this is very deep down in the workings..."perhaps too deep", he said...
...with the fullscreen verse windowed situation, at a guess it's hardware
check routine is freeking out about the fact it asked the video card about
resolution and refresh information and got answer 'x' but the emulated
desktop of wine said the resolution was the value set in 'desktop size' of
winecfg=>graphics and it would've returned a refresh of 60Hz and it bails...
...sometimes you can get a work-around here in linux/xorg by creating a so
called 'illegal' (at least, according to the nvidia-setup program 8) modeline
setup in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf...mine currently looks like this..;
Option "metamodes" "CRT-0: 1680x1050 +0+0, CRT-1: 1024x768_87i +1680+0; CRT-0: 1680x1050 +0+0, CRT-1: NULL; CRT-0: 1024x768 +0+0, CRT-1: NULL; CRT-0: 800x600 +0+0, CRT-1: NULL; CRT-0: 640x480 +0+0, CRT-1: NULL"
...looks whacked out with a set of redundant modes, but that seems to help
the nvidia driver realize CRT-1 isn't connected...I must recheck that...but
the critical mode specs are CRT-0: 1024x768 | CRT-0: 800x600 | CRT-0: 640x480
(and just let the refresh rate float on the 'VertRefresh' spec range) because
some apps/games of older ilk go poking for these modes and if the xserver or
nvidia replies "no, can't do that"...everything falls apart...
I guess it also wouldn't hurt to absolutely definitely spell out the video
situation in the registry with the Direct3D keys..;
Of course, be sure to change the "VideoMemorySize" value to suit how much ram
your videocard has....these are the things I do to see if I can get steamapps
to play in emulated desktop mode...worth a shot...
However...if what that page says is true, my guess is the running too fast
business has more to do with the newer CPU's - maybe the video card/drivers
play a part as well. If taskset has absolutely no affect...then the only
other place to look I think, will be with kernel boot params to disable SMP
support and turn off as many CPU features as you can that the Deus Ex code
wouldn't know about...you can read all about kernel (boot) params in the
linux kernel source documentation;
Not exactly the nicest of workarounds (having to reboot to a nobbled kernel
to play the game), but it would be one of the things I would try...I'd
even build a custom kernel if I thought it might help 8)