This method requires either Bootcamp or a seperate pc with windows installed and some quick registry editing.
Disclaimer: I always use virtual desktops when I play games with Crossover on my Mac. I can't help it, it's a fetish.
So if you don't, I'm sure you'll manage with some elbow grease.
Right, where to begin?
I have been struggling for some time trying to get the unified texture pack to work with Invisible War (from now on DX:IW) through Crossover.
I've tried both the dvd-version and the GOG release of DX:IW but the texture mod just doesn't want to work through conventional means.
It has something to do with the .ibd patcher not working properly through Crossover...or something, not important.
So if you have some time and patience to spare, let's begin.
First grab the unified texture pack from here: -or somewhere else, Google is as always your friend.
and the widescreen fixer from here:
- Windows
Install DX:IW (remember the install path, this is important, for this example's sake we will use "C:\Games\Deus Ex Invisible War")
If you are using the GOG release, you will have to edit your registry:
-Type "regedit" in the search field in the Start menu on Windows 7.
-Find all references to DX:IW's file path and remove the last "\" at the end of the file path.
So for instance, in my case, in Bootcamp, I found the correct keys under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> software -> Wow6432Node -> -> GOGDEUSX2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> software -> Wow6432Node -> Ion Storm
Now you have to remove all excess "\" you can find.
So change all file paths that look like this "C:\games\Invisible War\" to this "C:\games\Invisible War" -notice the difference?
This is a problem that is unique to the GOG-installer I believe, but I could be mistaken.
- Windows
Install the texture pack.
If you are using the GOG release you must choose UK english as your install language.
Tick all the boxes, or the ones you want, and let the install finish.
Put the widescreen fix .exe in the same directory as Engine.d2u.
-the System directory, I believe.
Run the patch .exe.
Choose the resolution you will be using in the virtual desktop in Crossover. (in my case 1280x800)
Run the game, make sure everything works.
- OS X, Crossover
Install DX:IW in it's own bottle.
Make sure to use the same install directory file path as when you installed DX:IW on Windows.
-in this case "C:\Games\Deus Ex Invisible War
I don't know if it is necessary to edit the registry at this point, but I did so just in case.
Open the Run Command window in Crossover.
Use DX:IW's bottle and type regedit.
Do as before, remove any extra "\" you can find.
Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Ion Storm
- Windows --> OS X, Crossover
Copy the DX:IW folder from the install directory.
-in my case C:\Games.
Replace the DX:IW folder in your bottle on OS X with the one from Windows.
Copy the "Deus Ex Invisible War" folder from My Documents and replace the one created by Crossover on you Mac.
- OS X, Crossover
Set your virtual desktop to your desired resolution, in my case 1280x800.
Open user.ini.
-found in the Deus Ex Invisible War folder in your Documents folder.
Edit these lines found at the bottom:
to your virtual desktop resolution.
So in my case:
- OS X, Crossover.
With a virtual desktop you will find that the mouse pointer has an infuriating tendency to escape the window.
Fix this by opening the Run Command window in Crossover.
Use DX:IW's bottle and run the regedit command.
Navigate thusly:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Wine
-Create a new key called DirectInput
And in this key, create a new String called MouseWarpOverride.
Double click the string you just created and type force in the "value data" field.
This will force your mouse pointer to stay glued to the middle of the screen. Since DX:IW's UI is pretty much designed to be used with a gamepad, this is no problem.
-you could use force_edge, but I find that the pointer keeps escaping with force_edge.
I seems to have rushed ahead slightly. Forcing the mouse pointer to stay glued to the middle of the screen makes sorting your inventory impossible.
So force_edge it is then.
- OS X, Crossover
Merry Christmas, by the way.