I've rated this game Bronze because there is an annoying bug that breaks the game and, so far, I've not found a way around it.
This is the post I made on winehq:
Just before Chapter 13 starts, there is a boss fight with a big bug
that tries to suck the player inside it. The thing is that on wine,
this fight is bugged.After shooting this thing in its exposed heart (yellow thing) it's
supposed to fall a bit and start sucking air inside it. On wine, the
bug appears to just fall off the cliff-side entirely and there is no
way to finish the fight.I tried the same save file on my Win7 install and the fight worked
as it should have.This YT video shows what boss fight I'm talking about:
[link= www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKOqNizelE4]