The game loads and works perfectly under Snow Leopard running Crossover for Mac 11.0.3 except for one teensy thing....
None of the character or NPC models fully render.
With vsynch off in the in-game setting I can see the layering of wireframes that make up character models, but they're static doll models and don't animate, and the overwrite flicker is....breathtaking. With vsynch on they're invisible, except for characters who have capes, where the capes animate and behave normally.
Aside from that the avatars behave normally - environment models, collision, navigation, object interaction - so I'm certain it's not Havoc 2011.2. Could it be some piece missing that Unreal Engine needs for just the character models but is missing?
I've already completely re-loaded the whole thing via crosstie with the same result to eliminate something missing in the bottle.
Any good ideas?