Hello, there is might be a problem for Mac OS X CXGames 8.1.4 in multiplayer mode if you see peoples' names but can't see their models. You can try to fix it by installing DirectX engine or DX legacy then download and install the proper fix: http://www.is1337.net/sg/downloads/10-1168225592-mp_dx_80_fix_102.rar
1)Use Winrar or Winzip to extract the archive straight
into your Dark Messiah Multiplayer directory
(Usually located in current Bottle: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\your_account_name\dark messiah might and magic multi-player).
2)Run the game under Direct X 8 mode and enjoy.
here the source of feed http://www.blindnero.com/forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2
I do undertake that this solution have to be posted at 'Tips&Tricks' section but as this is not already approved so I am expecting your feedbacks if it works for you as well. Because this great game is especially designed for multiplayer mode more then for a training single.