As noted on the application page this program requires Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 to run. Once this is installed the Mod Manager should work with minimal errors. I will add these to the Bugs and Tips & Tricks sections once I have them fleshed out and tested a bit more.
Bugs: (on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x64 with Cross Over Games 9.1.0 and 9.0)
1) No right click functionality.
a) This means no right clicking to install or un-install.
b) Installations can be made by dragging non-installed add-ons into the Installed frame (from the bottom frame to the top left or top middle frame).
c) To un-install requires manual removal of the files and editing of the home/$USER/Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age/Settings/AddIns.xml.
d) However, unless absolutely necessary, I would recommend simply disabling the add-on in lieu of un-installing it as this is as simple as un-checking a check box.
2) No screen shot support or image.
a) This was a minor issue to me.
b) This may have been resolved with 9.1.0 as screen shots are currently working.
3) A few seemingly benign error messages.
a) I receive an error message when first launching the application, and again if I go to the Screenshots tab. Clicking continue allows me to use the application without further problems.
4) Installing Override content requires manually browsing to the Temp folder.
a) This is created at /home/$USER/.cxgames/Dragon Age Origins/dosdevices/c:/users/crossover/Temp and copying the over ride files into this directory directory. The Mod Manager will add these files and can be viewed in the Mod Mananger by clicking on the relevant folder once they are added.
Notes / Tips:
5) I have not yet tested with official add-on installation.
a) I will do a fresh Dragon Age: Origins installation and then test and write up a step-by-step Tips & Tricks entry for doing so. I don't expect any problems as it handles already installed official add-ons and unofficial add-ons that are packaged in the same manner.
6) I highly recommend reading the DAO-Modmanager manual as you start using the Mod Manager.
a) Found here:
7) If the font in the Mod Manager is hard to read, on higher resolution monitors/tv's it may be necessary to adjust the font dpi settings in the Manage Bottles > Control Panel > Wine Configuration > Graphics tab. 105 dpi worked for me at 1080p.
8) To be able to install an add-on, it must be obtainable in either a .dazip or in a way that it can be installed as an override.
a) I tried testing with Wardens Keep and The Lucky Stone and was unable to get either of those add-ons onto my computer on Ubuntu 10.04 or with Cross Over Games.
b) I will try with Cross Over Professional and install Firefox and IE 7 to see if 1) the gecko rendering engine allows in-game add-on downloads, or 2) if there's some other way to access the add-ons in an "emulated" Windows environment.