... I know I can't complain here about the latest failures of Valve (death cams,etc....) but maybe I can complain about the graphic. So we all know AA wasn't working before on any source game. Now it does and that without any black screen (like its still in the l4d games). Looks nice and works similiar like without (not that much performance used). But with the latest source update I have a big graphic glitch:
concerning everything related with lights - Lamps are more shiny, but they also lag or s.th like that. It looks like somebody would activate and deactive the lamps fast or if you would photograph an old tv. It irritates the gameplay. Also I can see the lamps through walls.
And s.th is looping because I get about every ten seconds some sort of mini lag.
Both problems exist in lowest settings with everything turned down (also AA and AS deactivated) and with the highest settings.
It's not really a call for help, first it should be a landing station for other people with different problems. Maybe we can allocate some of them and try to solve them...
My specs:
K.Ubuntu 10.04 KDE 4.4.2
nvidia 195.36.24
E8400 DualCore @ 3,0 Ghz
3 GB Ram
8800 GT Sparkle (based on 8800 nvidia with 512 ram)