As with HL-2 the engine runs suprising well.
I use the same launch and in-game settings as I do in HL-2. Map load times are easily on par with native speed.
CW Version:
6.0 (6.0.0)
MBP 2.33 15" 2G
Launch Options:
-console -heapsize 512000 -dxlevel 80 -width 1280 -height 800 -window -novid +cl_drawmonitors 0 +r_shadowrendertotexture 0 +r_WaterDrawReflection 0
Graphics Options:
Model detail: High
Texture detail: High
Shader detail: High
Water detail: Simple reflections
Shadow detail: Low
Antialiasing mode: None
Filtering mode: Trilinear
Wait for vertical snc: Disabled
HDR: None
As with HL-2 sound is perfect. Framerates appear marginally faster but could still be an issue. I will update this post after I've gotten a few days of playtime under my belt while using CW.
Screenshot uploaded