...and it did =) About 7 out of 10 times it will start (a server)
cleanly ; when it fails, one or another scenario pans out...
*it bails with an error about steam application failing to start.
This, is actually akin to my 'failed to load library client' error
(above I got library & client arse about), but it happens to my
build -consistently- because I haven't gone back and jailed this
system (again) to recompile/reinstall gcc, after the last jailing
when I patched eglibc and recompiled it, so the linker bails pretty
early on for me, when cs:s does whatever it's doing...
*it starts, but, it's -really- 'clunky' and jerky as though there's
rocks in the gearbox - if somebody (poor soul ;) joins the server,
it gets weirder and the enemy has a sure advantage, as though only
you are being boxed by the clunkiness ...
*..a couple of times the server started, the menus were misdrawn,
and once the game loaded proper ... it was surreal, in that there
was no way up, I found myself walking/falling through walls/floors,
until suddenly being lost in a realm reminiscent of the 2nd of 'The
Cube' trilogy (HyperCube), before things crashed&burned on following
a pointer to an apparently bad memory address.. but, it was kewl while
it lasted =) ..what can I say, I like the surreal...
...good test tho', I found Wheezy to be spitting and coughing up blood
in exactly the same way my new build is in certain areas, and it's
always fun to see how the Deb folks fixed other things and adopt same
for my own purposes ... but I'll have to see if I can fix gcc first..
edit: no, I haven't futzed with -dxlevel settings - I refuse to! ;)