OS: Snowleopard 1.6.2
COX Version: 8.1.3
System: Macbook Unitbody 2.0 Ghz. Nvidia 9400M
The game starts, but crashes in the intro. To fix that delete the video folder in the game folder of the bottle.
After this fix, you get directly in the main game menu when you start the game.
Next problem arises. The ingame mousepointer doenst move. it does move but you cant see it, because if you move and click it reacts. (like clicking options, you get in options part of the menu) So there is a "invisable pointer" which works, but you cant see the pointer. Only a pointer of the game which is locked/frozen/doesnt move. So if you cant see the pointer move, its unplayable.
Tried Mousewarpoverride register settings. No use. Updated to newest patches, doenst work. At the libraries setting the dinput tot native windows, doest work either.....after some hours trying things, i gave up...
Ow, i also installed the ddraw.dll patch found here: http://www.gsc-game.com/index.php?t=downloads&ss=299&s=patch
Which also made no difference.
Wierd thing is, in wine it does work: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3924