OS: Snowleopard
Graphicscard: NVIDIA 9400M
GOG.com version:
I tested the GOG.com version of Commandos 2: Men of courage (version 1.20) which comes together with Commandos 3: Destination Berlin for $9,99. Bought it in promo for $4,99. This version contains no CD copy protection so runs right out of the box. So if you have the CD version you might have to update to version 1.20 manually. Besides that i don't know (but probably will), that there might be CD copy protection on that CD (DRM) so realize that. Game works great!
Steam version:
As far if i can read it should work fine, read it here
Cd version:
You can have problems like with sound if you don`t patch the game to version 1.20, so do that first after install.
What says wineHQ?
Read it all here...
Have fun!