Crossover Games 7.2.2
MAC OSX 10.5.7
Put the cd in the drive en run the express install.
You will notice that the mouse is a bit laggy, but that will be fixed later.
After installation it should already run..
Now 2 important things: Go to manage bottles and via control panel to Winecfg.
Go to the graphic tab and make sure at the window settings the 2 options of managing and decoring the windows (dont know english word) are not checked!
Now you can start the game in great order. It will be sometimes laggy, so to fix this to perfect, follow this instruction:
Run 'wine regedit', browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine. If there is no key (the stuff with folder icons) called AppDefaults, then create it
Right-click on that key and create a new key game.exe
Create a new subkey Direct3D. In that key create two string variables:
DirectDrawRenderer with value opengl
RenderTargetLockMode with value readtex
exit the register and play the game with great performance improvements.