Alright, so as it stands, there is NO difference between using the original game and First Decade.
For now I'm going to remove this slightly-illegal software form my computer and reinstall Renegade.
My computer's specifications:
24" Aluminium iMac
Leopard (10.5.8)
2.8 Ghz Extreme Core 2 Duo
ATI 2600 HD, 256 MB
Apple Keyboard and Mighty Mouse.
Under both installations (winxp) I experienced keyboard problems.
They are the only reason this game isn't getting a Gold medal from me.
Essentially, the Enter key doesn't work when chatting. The mouse however, becomes unlocked, and you can hit the send button.
The backspace also doesn't work.
I don't think it's a problem with Renegade or Crossover failing to properly map the key; I can use them normally if I assign them a function in Renegade's 'Controls'. Rather, I think it's something to do with focusing on the right area as a whole when dealing with Crossover's method and how Renegade wants things done.
Also, this problem is evident in any purchase console, where one cannot navigate the interface using the assigned numbers.
All this severely hampers a player. And for an online game, it makes it quite hard to play.
I'm now going to install Renegade onto a win2000 bottle, and see if this changes things.