OS: Snowleopard
System: Macbook Unitbody
COG version: 8.1.3
- Express install the first Decade Dvd.
- Run the game. (There is no copy protection on the game when installed via C&C FD, the same counts for C&C Renegade).
- Regedit settings for First Decade won't work! so if you want faster go to the 2 cd version.
What you can try is: (thanks to Steve Hollins and Ken)
Win2k Bottle
under the config tab I allowed the window manager to decorate and control the windows (checked both boxes)
Under regedit for that bottle
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/AppDefaults/game.exe/Direct3D I have the following.
Render TargetLockMode= none
Have Fun!
Paul The Tall