COG version: 7.2.2
OS: MAC OSX 10.5.7
Sytsem: Macbook unitbody 2.0Ghz. Nvidia 9400M.
Make an xp bottle via managed bottles.
Via managed bottles --> control panel --> winecfg --> graphic tab --> check virtual desktop 800*600 (you can change it later)
Uncheck those 2 selected window mangagement options.
Now install red alert 2 in that bottle.
Game should run now!
Because the gameplay is quite slow, the following can be done to make this great playable:
Run 'wine regedit', browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine. If there is no key (the stuff with folder icons) called AppDefaults, then create it
Right-click on that key and create a new key game.exe
Create a new subkey Direct3D. In that key create two string variables:
DirectDrawRenderer with value opengl
RenderTargetLockMode with value readtex
Have Fun!
Paul The Tall