I used my own installer for v5.5.
Later versions require that you go on the payment plan.
I prefer to just own it once.
It failed to work properly so I installed IE7 and now it works perfectly.
I am using CrossOver 15.0.1 on Linux Mint 17.3 64bit.
If you keep your Comic Collector folder from your My Documents folder in Windows (just copy it into your linux documents folder which is /home/{login}/Documents) then your cover art will have to be reselected one at a time as the full path to it will include your old user account name. The default users folder account name is 'crossover'.
I cured this by going into ~/.cxoffice/{bottle name}/drive_c/users/ and making a user folder named after my old account (might be case sensitive).
I then copied the My Documents link out of ~/.cxoffice/{bottle name}/drive_c/users/crossover/ into ~/.cxoffice/{bottle name}/drive_c/users/{old account name}/
I then renamed the copied link to Documents (might be case sensitive). Check your cover art for the path of the missing file to see what this name should be.
All of my old pictures came up. Saved me endless days of work.