i am new to crossover, but the desire to get the updated version of this game took hold...
i have got it to install ok. i tried the "steam from cd" option. this installed ok, but the copy protection produced an error as it tried to start the game. this resulted in the crossover install reporting as failing, though using a no-cd file, the game started without issue.
i also tried by installing the xml, core fonts and directx components individually first, then putting the game on top into the same bottle. this install succeeded, although i had the same copy protection when it tried to start the game automatically. replacing with the no-cd worked again.
but within the game, after a random period of time, the interface just freezes. nothing works... i end up having to kill wineloader processes, etc, to even get back to the desktop. can anyone shine any light on this issue? is it common? can i troubleshoot it further?
many thanks