I used a WinXP bottle for this game (as win98 seemed to have problems)
Installs fine, no issues.
Running the game is another question.
- title screen opens up, and I can fire up the tutorial.
- fonts are still a major issue (lots of overlapping text)
- preference menus open (but have corrupted text)
- hall of fame seems ok
- tutorial opens but unusable due to text issues.
- New game seems to work
After having a look at the winhq appdb entry, I tried cp LSANS.ttf LSANS.fot
which helped a lot.
The game was now playable.
Interestingly I patched the game to the latest version 1.29f which resulted in a 'debugger detected' error message and the game refused to load.
So in summary, I would give the game a silver rating for the 1.07f version, but a known not to work for the 1.27f version.