I can only speak for Crossover Mac w/ATI graphics hardware, but the costume editor has worked flawlessly for quite some time for me.
My personal recommendation would be 'try it and see', the only thing you lose is a little time. :)
Just reviewed the extent bugs in the Wine tracker...
10081, 10082, and 13718 exist in Crossover as well.
10082 isn't as severe as it used to be; there are no keystrokes lost anymore, but it does fail to release keyboard focus after hitting enter. I've developed the habit of hitting 'escape' afterwards.
10081 is partially a red herring, as -renderthread 1 is a deprecated option to pass the application. There are, however, some issues with CoX' detection of multicore CPUs on Wine, Crossover, and Cedega.
13718 is intermittent, and typically easily resolved by simply closing out Crossover, then reopening it. If you don't experience that particular flavor of rubberbanding immediately, you won't again as long as you have the CoX client open. This, of course, does not preclude standard latency or network interruption rubberbanding.
10080 has been reported in the past by nvidia users, but doesn't seem to be getting a lot of noise lately.
Hope this helps. I stick with my prior recommendation: Try it and find out. :)