My MacBook Pro is as follows:
C2D 2.4Ghz
4GB of RAM
GeForce 8600M GT - 256MB VRAM
OS X - 10.5.2
Now, I've experienced the black screen and corrupted cursor issue that has been described by others on this forum. However, I found a solution that will handle most of these issues.
Firstly, make a Win2000 bottle. I used the Steam preset just to get everything out of the way, but I suspect this is not required. Secondly, after getting City of Heroes installed, you'll want to manually make a shortcut via Programs -> Run Command. Browse to the Program Files\City of Heroes folder and select 'CohUpdater.exe'. It will create a path enclosed in quotes to this executable. At the end of this, outside of the quotes, add: -usetexenvcombine -compatiblecursors 1
The second flag will fix the corrupted cursors some have mentioned and the first flag has given me better framerate since it enables a simple rendering path, though it will work without it. Save this shortcut.
Now the key part, go into the Bottle manager and run Winecfg from control panel. Click on the Graphics tab and check on 'Emulate a virtual desktop' and set a size such as 1152x864 or 1024x768, click Apply and then click OK. You are now all set to run your COHUpdater shortcut out of the Programs list! Ignore the warning it gives you about GL_NV_vertex_program -- it WILL run anyway.
This game will behave for the most part. I've noticed it did NOT like me hitting 'Random' when I was generating a character, but I was able to make one and kill things for twenty minutes otherwise. The other issue I noticed is that it did not like having a transparent window (my Terminal) overlapping it, which caused immediate corruption and I had to relaunch to fix it. Otherwise, it ran rather smoothly. Good job CodeWeavers!