So things are getting a little tricky on Linux.
In my experience, the new installer program (the .exe file) no longer stops at the splash screen that before allowed us to launch the .msi file to do the actual install. It does extract things (to a folder under drive_c/users/crossover/Temp), but once it finishes the extraction, nothing else runs and that gets deleted.
My solution: lurk in the Temp directory as the extraction is going, and try my best to catch the .msi file, copy it to another directory. You might be able to do this by canceling the extraction at 85-90%; the ChemDraw .msi and the ChemScripts .msi are definitely there at that point. The 64-bit support .msi is actually the first one extracted, but I've never successfully gotten that to run on a 64-bit bottle.
Once you have the .msi file, install that as the installer file and all is well so long as you've set up the bottle with the standard requirements:
-Microsoft .NET (I used 4.6.2; a lower version may be OK but this seems to work);
-Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (14.0) Redistributable
-Platform SDK Redistributable GDI+
I used a 32-bit Win7 bottle. Haven't experimented with Win8 or Win10.
The last tweak is to make sure that the bottle has the gdiplus library set to (builtin,native).
I was happy to see a couple things:
-SciFinder (and I think Reaxys) integration works now; I had to set the SciFinder proxy, but the Web page that pops up gives step-by-step instructions.
-The built-in Symbol font was not working, but I was able to get to another alternative on my system that does work.
Some gotchas:
-The Templates tool crashes with a page fault error (this has been happening in prior versions of CD). You can open the template document and copy/paste, though.
-There's a crash in Page Setup (a divide by zero error)
-Trying to change the font in Document Settings leads to a crash (editing existing text using the toolbar is OK).
If I can figure out a more reliable extraction method I'll report back.