I've just rattled together a crosstie for this, however, there is one part of that I'm undecided about - whether or not to enable emulated desktop mode @ 1024x768 (you'll see this turn up in the bottle's list of installed applications as 'Set Virtual Desktop' but you cannot uninstall it from there). The only reason I would do such is for compatibility issues, but it may be overkill -- I can't say, I don't have every example of host hardware at my fingertips =)
...right now, the crosstie will install and you can even launch it at the end of game installation and it'll start patching itself...
*note, if you want to dismiss the mad flickering here, click on the 'enter c-store' banner and it'll load the c-store homepage which doesn't flicker anywhere near as badly - the patch download may pause while it does this, but will resume after said homepage loads...
..once that is done, you can even launch the game by clicking 'Play' - it will start fullscreen.
**The next time you start the game, emulated virtual desktop will be enabled @ 1024x768 ; you may or may not want this -- if you don't, launch the Wine Configuration item from within the Control panel area of the cxsetup GUI (Manage Bottles), go to the Graphics tab, uncheck the Emulate a virtual desktop function and click Apply -> Ok. When you restart the game, it will go back to fullscreen.
You must use the full installer - you have to download it yourself from the following site;
Note: It must be the installer from the above site -- others will not work with the crosstie
The crosstie itself will likely go live in 8 hours or so - if you're already an advocate, add yourself for this app and grab it from the crosstie editor instead if you're keen =)
Comments on the emulated virtual desktop business welcomed....