Hi again,
Grrr... that's annoying, huh.. that error, is actually IE7 (mshtml7) throwing a
wobbly as it fails trying to install itself -- from what you describe, it's failed
halfway through registering it's components, and left you with a corrupt mshtml7
installation. Unfortunately, in my testing here, it doesn't seem possible to fix
the mess that gets created there....
What should happen (ideally) when mshtml7 throws an error, is that one should stop
immediately (cancel installation), delete the bottle, and then run the .tie again.
Chances are it will work on the second attempt. There is a warning to this effect
that you get when installing IE7 into Crossover Office that if it fails to retry,
but retrying doesn't seem to work in CXG. I -could- put some install notes into the
mshtml7 tie, but, I don't think they'll get displayed in this tie -- I'll check...
...sorry for the hassles, this particular one is a pesky behavior of IE7/mshtml7
that, in the IE7 case, also affects Windows users - go figure 8) Although it's a
right pain, you should start from scratch again...