Steam Install on Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Crossover Games 10.1.2
No matter what the graphics settings I get a strange frame rate. If I look at certain objects (Well most actually) the frame rate is mega slow and jerky. If I look slightly up at the sky everything runs sort of ok. It just cant render everything with anything close to a smooth frame rate.
By the way I tried certain graphics settings that were recommended like shadow, anti aliasing and soft edges set to off. Plus tried setting it to sync every frame to no avail.
I guess I will continue to play it through bootcamp which runs perfect. Shame I'd have preferred a Mac install you know like the one advertised in a trailer when I purchased Crossover today.... Hint of sarcasm applied :)
Mac Pro 2008
8 Core Xeon 2.8ghz
GForce 8800GT