Test Machine #1:
Toshiba Satellite 1900
Intel P4 1.6GHz 512MB RAM
opensuse10.3 KDE3.5.7
Crossover Linux 6.2.0
Rating: Bronze
Test Machine #2:
Apple iMac 24inch
Intel Core2 Duo 2.4GHz 1GB RAM
Mac OS X 10.5.1
Crossover Mac 6.2.1
Rating: Bronze
Compatibility Status Description:
CADSTAR v9.0 seems to install correctly using win2000 bottle.
What Works:
1) Designer Editor - Schematic entry seems functional (add parts, connect nets...etc)
2) Design Editor - PCB layout loads pcbfiles for viewing (haven't tried anything else)
What Doesn't:
1) Library Editor - Crashes upon loading a library
2) Design Editor - Library Searcher won't load
3) Service Packs - Crossover/Wine does not suppor MSI patches...therefore these won't work
Interesting Notes:
Some of the menu options text are replaced with "ts".
(i.e. list of previously opened files, file locations...etc.)