Hi there. I recently used crossover for brothers in arms, but after the Ubisoft/Gearbox intro vids are done, my screen goes black even though sound is still audible. what must I do?
MBP Intel core duo ATI X1600
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Hi there. I recently used crossover for brothers in arms, but after the Ubisoft/Gearbox intro vids are done, my screen goes black even though sound is still audible. what must I do?
MBP Intel core duo ATI X1600
You can try hitting Command-Option-R to force CrossOver out of full-screen mode. Does that reveal the game window displaying properly? If there's still just a black window, does fiddling with Exposé reveal anything in the window?
Another thing to try is configuring the bottle to use a virtual desktop window. Manage Bottles > Control Panel > winecfg > Graphics > Emulate a virtual desktop.
No sir. I've tried those before but same result.
works for me although I have only run it for 5 min in full screen mode. There are some missing letters in the menus, and mouse control is messed up, but graphics is quite smooth on core duo imac with same ati x1600. I used a standard winxp bottle and standard dvd version install, but with no-dvd patch/crack. btw that's on crossover games 7.2.1
The mouse problem can be solved by running regedit.exe in the bottle brothers in arms is installed in:
------- Comment #142 From Reyn 2008-08-23 06:52:50 -------
(from winehq)
it might mess up mouse pointer in os x just when inserting this value (i.e. only once, it was fixed by reattaching the usb mouse), but looking around in the game now works.
I'm sure is the real CD Of Brother in Arms Road To hill 30 =/
It is probably to do with the managed window and decorated window options in the graphics tab. Install it with the C4P file and it will be fixed automatically :)
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