Thank you for giving the information on how to use the bbo with mac. Unfortunately the information doesn´t help me enough. Could you please help me a bit more. I have installed Crossover and bbo today, but I don´t understand how and where to make those changes you wrote about. And where might I get the symbol.ttf font.
EDIT: Well, figured it out myself. Wasn´t so hard. Thanks for advice
EDIT2: Well again, can´t find the font. Surely will get it somewhere eventually, but a little hint would be nice.
EDIT3: Here again. Got the font. Put in in my macs font-folder and crossovers C:/windows... font-folder. Doesn´t work. I mean the cards are not shown properly. What am I missing?
EDIT4: For some odd reason the symbols don´t work at the biddingbox. I can´t tell the difference between hearts/diamonds or clubs/spades. The cards at the table are OK. I have chosen "show cards as pictures" with small font.