Hi Jeff,
This is total conjecture here, but it may be so related. Somewhere between the COG-8.0
release and 'the now' of COG-8.1.3 (on linux), something changed in the way COG handles
some software interactions, which 'coincidentally' as it were has also 'somehow fixed'
a couple of other titles I have, that were previously not working with COG-8.0 - I've
had a bit of a natter about it with Jack, and the current 'best guess' answer at present
is that some of the code changes/bug fixes related to getting L4D2 running properly, also
contained (coincidentally as it were) the necessary code fixups needed by my (and possibly
other) games titles. The problem I was having with titles previously, related to the
online registration process needed to reg./activate the downloaded/installed software -
this has suddenly started to work for these titles.
I am not saying the issues may be related ; what I'm exampling here is that changes
incorporated in the most recent COG releases have definitely impacted on at least
2 or more titles that I know of - that said, if I view that coincidence as a positive
side-effect of recent changes in COG, perhaps you are seeing the counter-case for this
situation...ie; the recent COG changes have coincidentally caused bad side-effects in
the Borderlands case? Seeing as the Steam frontend and the game titles I'm referring
to are both using the ieframe component, I wouldn't mind betting in a world full of
coincidences, that somewhere herein the truth hides....
In my case (or in any case), you'd need to downgrade your COG installation, and slowly
slowly work your way up from an 8.0 installation until you find which of the recent
8.x.x releases actually breaks Borderland ; then via changelog, you've got some idea
of which change/addition actually broke things...which of course, makes for very good
material if you want to submit a support ticket (or email info@codeweavers.com) about
the matter - generally speaking, the devs here don't want to fix something at the cost
of breaking something else, and they like to know abot these things...