Installation works well, beyond that point it starts to get a bit more sketchy. Initially, running in an XP bottle on a emulated desktop, the game claimed it could not read the CD due to lack of an ASPI layer - installing one made no difference to this. I downloaded a NoCD .exe for the game* and used that, which brought up a new error:
“Failed to set the message drain.”
I bypassed this by continuing to press return until 3 iterations of the message had disappeared, after which the games main menu loaded but without text. All options are there, but they are invisible although you can navigate via the keyboard and using the audio. It is basically impossible to change any of the settings in-game due to the menu problems. The first option in the menu, however, is to play the game.
Problems in-game include graphical glitches - there are issues with reflective surfaces and with dark rectangles appearing on screen in front of Rayne (I assume these are hint boxes, but can’t check as there is no way to turn them off without the menus). The audio is also choppy and slurred, both music and character speech, which is annoying.
However, if you can use the default controls and don’t mind the y-axis mouse setting you can play this - it won’t be as good as the game actually working properly but it does run.*
NB:I also found this report on WineHQ regarding the game.
*NoCD can be found at:[ENGLISH]%20No-CD/Fixed%20EXE
**not tested beyond level 3.