Here's are the bugs from my original post. Here are the ones I fixed:
When in game examine mode sometimes the graphics on the move list get out of sync and overlap each other when scrolling.
The sounds associated with piece movement do not work which is inconvenient if you look away and your opponent moves (no audible feedback) -- other sounds work fine.
Sounds do work -- but they are controlled in multiple places. You have to have Options -> Sounds checked and you have to have the Options -> Set variable -> Bell set to 1 or 2.
The embedded browser does not work.
If you install IE 6.x in the same bottle the browser subpane functionality works, IE will then cause Windows Media and Flash to be downloaded and installed in the same bottle as needed.
When in game examine mode there is no way to draw arrows because it requires the key sequence Ctrl-Right mouse button drag on a PC -- there is no way to do Ctrl-Right click on a one button Mac. This is a huge pain when go over games with others.