Wine DirectInput settings (as mentioned in another post)
This being said, in game resolution is 800X600 for me, every graphic
option set to "OFF", except Force Global Lighting and textures (set
on high). You may want to check for some advanced tweaks
In particular, if there is a bit of shuttering set
"AvoidHitches"="True" in bioshock.ini
All in all, looks more like a bronze or silver to me.
I would agree with the Bronze rating. I have tested this using the Bioshock demo downloaded via the officially supported Steam bottle using CXGames 8.1.4
I'm running ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 with the latest official ubuntu kernel. I installed crossover games using the 32 bit .deb
I found the mouse control issue the most annoying, and so implemented the above registry hack.
For those (like me) not au-fait with hacking the wine registry, this is how I put the above MouseWarpOverride key.
Applications --> Crossover Games --> Configuration --> Manage Bottles tab
Click on winxp (default) bottle - this is the bottle containing the officially supported steam, then click configure.
click on control panel tab, click Run and type regedit in the dialog box, press enter.
Drill down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software --> Wine --> AppDefaults
Right click on AppDefaults folder and select New --> Key
Type "Bioshock.exe" without the quotes.
right-click on this new key and create another new key, this time call it "DirectInput"
This time go to the right half of the application with three columns - Name, Type, Data.
Right click in the whitespace on this side and select New --> String Value
Call it "MouseWarpOverride" and press enter
You can now right-click on this value and select Modify, under Value type "force" (again no quotes).
You can now exit regedit and your changes will be saved. You can also close the subwindows that got you here.
Next time you use the Steam bottle and run Bioshock via this bottle, cxgames should apply the mouse settings which does make it more playable.
Additional tweaks that I used which can be entered via the steam interface under Properties when Bioshock is selected.
-window -dx9
This forces windowed mode and disables directx 10 features.
I had to run the demo in lowest quality graphics to get a smooth framerate, but it still looked amazing to me.