ARTA's spectrum analyzer runs perfectly with CrossOver Mac under OSX 10.6.7 on my hackintosh -- I have not tried this on a real Mac, so can't speak to details. The spectrum analyzer runs as fast under Crossover as it does under WinXP SP2 on a PC with the same hardware.
ARTA's sample rate and the OSX system's sample rate have to be the same, or an error message appears when the run symbol is clicked, complaining about WDM driver functionality. The system sample rate is set in OSX's Audio MIDI Setup utility, found in Applications > Utilities.
ARTA's resolution has to be set to 16-bits or the error message appears, but the system resolution can be 16, 20, or 24-bits and everything works fine -- the settings don't have to match.
Sound output from ARTA's internal generators seems to work fine through the Mac system drivers.
Errors seem to occur because, on a PC, ARTA controls sound card functions through WDM drivers, but has no control over the Mac's sound system drivers -- so some default settings are required. I'm not sure why the resolution works as long as both ARTA and the system have the same settings -- some sort of detection is occurring between them.
I have not tried the other applications in the ARTA suite.