First I will say, that if it will run under crossover I will buy it immediately.
And now what I may help you to run it.
Here man reported that he managed to run it under 64bit Arch Linux under wine 1.1.29. He used some winetricks (dotnet20, vcrun2005sp1 and d3dx9) after that he made that things to his OS.
3. The game opens large amount of file descriptors, therefore you must raise the securty limit for your user:
As root add lines to /etc/security/limits.conf:
yourusername soft nofile 8192
yourusername hard nofile 8192
And replace yourusername with your user. Reboot to make changes go in effects (confirm with: ulimit -n).
I don't know is it possible to do in OS X. in etc/security there isn't limits.conf. Under Linuxes there it is. But I think something like that must be somewhere in OS X also. The question is where?
This man also reports that he ran the game using run command.
Here you can download bat executable to run Aion without luncher.
Hope you know where and what should change. See you at the CX shop.