Hi all...
I installed the game via CrossTie and everything works just fine out of the box except these two things:
Text is not visible in chat windows (in game and in multiplayer lobby, same behavior). It is visible only very shortly during typing so you can kind of see what you are typing, but the text never stays visible in the black chat window until the message is sent via Enter key. It seems it has something to do with refresh rate of the chat window...
Once the multiplayer game is started by the host, the loading screen never refreshes properly. The game starts and you can hear the music, but the screen remains in the loading phase; the game has started for everyone else. If you do Alt+Tab out and then back into game the screen is finally refreshed and you can start playing normally without any issues. So far, I'm 'fixing' this in the following manner: as soon as host starts the game and loading screen shows up i always make Alt+Tab and then again to go back so I can start in the same time as other players. It's a minor annoyance, but I would like to get this permanently solved if possible.
Other than these issues I did not notice anything else that would be a showstopper...