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AoC now free to play!

Age of Conan has a free to play option now. This should make testing way easier!

Has anyone got it to work yet?? With Mac or Linux


...not sure, I was just having a look at it now...

  • you will need ~26gb of diskspace available or the installer will complain...

  • create a new winxp bottle, and install the following ;

    Microsoft Directx Runtime - Modern (in Runtime Support Components of cxinstaller GUI)

    DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer (in Community Supported Applications of cxinstaller GUI)

  • set a library override for shlwapi.dll to native in the Wine Configuration libraries tab install the AoH client stub itself -- the above is enough to get
the update manager running/visible and the patching process running ;
here endth my insights, as the thing is still patching =)...


ps: oh...I chose not to install the Xfire client at this stage...

** the update manager is bittorrent based ; you can close it if you want/need to
and start it later - it resumes downloading from where it left off as it should...


..okay... if we had a 'copper' medal (>bronze<silver) then I'd
probably give it that -- it's not my genre of game, and really,
folks that are into this game should try it more in depth than
I'm prepared to go... and I've got some other issues wrt how the
free2play version should appear in C4, so any feedback on that
front would be appreciated ...I'll start there...

Does 'Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures' still exist as a standalone
title, OR, has it been replaced/superseded by the title the free2play
version has?; 'Age of Conan - Unchained' ...
OR* should this C4
page fall back to a simple 'Age of Conan'...??..I'm just trying to
figure out if there should be another separate C4 page or not..(or
edit this one)....

...the above info on what you need in the bottle is correct, and
eventually (10+ hours later..) the patch process will successfully
complete..but it won't run...

*Obtain a copy of the windows library dhcpcsvc.dll and place it
in the bottle's drive_c/windows/system32 directory, then set a library
override for dhcpcsvc.dll to native in the Wine Configuration libraries tab... try launching the game again, in directx9 mode (do NOT use dx10)
and it should start, let you log in, create character, and get into game
...but be warned, there are graphics artifacts a plenty in the opening
& starting screens/videos ..but they tend to settle down a bit once you're
actually ingame. It's being a bit of a pig wrt changing video resolution,
seems to bail it everytime, so you might have to futz with the config file
manually, which (on linux) I found residing at...;

[bottlename]/drive_c/users/crossover/Local Settings/Application Data/Funcom/Conan/Prefs/Prefs_3.xml

... one can change stuff there and they'll take effect on next start. You
likely need to keep the video setting on LOW, or the artifact business
gets surreal. I think if you experimented with the pref file above, you
might find some extra tweaks. Otherwise it seems run and accomplish most
of what it's meant to do, but I was just walking along the beach before
and suddenly found myself in the middle of the ocean =) has issues...

...I'll give it a bronze for now....


Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

*Does 'Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures' still exist as a standalone

title, OR, has it been replaced/superseded by the title the
version has?

It's been replaced by the free-to-play version - all old acocunts have been converted to free-to-play. Don't know if it's necessary to add "Unchained" to the end of the title, though - that's just a marketing thing anyway.

Jonas Islander wrote:

Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

*Does 'Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures' still exist
as a standalone
title, OR, has it been replaced/superseded by the title the
version has?

It's been replaced by the free-to-play version - all old acocunts
have been converted to free-to-play. Don't know if it's necessary to
add "Unchained" to the end of the title, though - that's just a
marketing thing anyway.

...yeah, I sort of get the same; the next installment
(next year) could likely have a different 'episodic title', but at
the end of the days it still all going to be 'Age of Conan' ..

..thanks for the feedback...

I'm trying to do a fresh install of AoC now, using the tips above.

Not going well - the patcher locks up right when the file scan finishes. wasn't so much of a bother for me...which
OS and videocard does your computer use?...

I had the same experience. ATI Video Card.

...hmm....I did check with the nvidia rig .. I'll have a look
at it on ati when my ISP rollsover our quota here (this weekend)...

I'm using an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (64-bit) and CrossOver Games 10.2.0.

EDIT: Tried installing everything from scratch, and the patcher freezes in the same way. Right when the patching is finished and it gives off a sound, the window simply stops responding and greys out.

Installer/Patcher gets stuck for me in the same place in the same way on Mac OS X 10.6.8 on MacBookPro with nVidia graphics.

I also tried installing it using the latest developmental version of Wine that I compiled myself and got the same results.

It appears to be something in the way the patcher attempts to validate the installation and/or uncompress the patches. I get lots of errors like this:

[2011-07-02 23:58:06Z #0] [ID:0] [ResourceManager] Resource 1020003:3532063 does not have correct md5 (b3348fb60e3de32723374d18a6717489!=9ee83f072acba547888b33702a06fc77)
[2011-07-02 23:58:19Z #0] [ID:0] [fcCore/IOBuffer] Decompress(): Could not decompress stream. src-size:2444979 dst-size:2621518 zlib-error:-3
[2011-07-02 23:58:19Z #0] [ID:0] [ResourceManager] Resource 1010004:123911 does not have correct md5 (4c7cd2f06cebf469fdb9f6add10bd356!=8f199ae1fd7e59fa9f1ec9842011cf80)

It's as if the patcher correctly or incorrectly detects that the installation is corrupted, then attempts to (but clearly fails to) decompress a patch onto the system, then the patcher detects that the installation is corrupted (which by this point it certainly is), and so on and so on...

Hi again...

..okay, quota refreshed and I can have another look at this.
I'll kick the iMac back into OSX and see what happens there
first -- it's an 11,2 iMac w/ HD5670 video running MacOS 10.7.2...

...I'll post back once the inordinately long installation
process finishes...


@David -- any objection to me futzing with the crosstie profile?


....well, that didn't take long in, the patcher window
is totally non-responsive on the iMac with the HD5670, and this
is a common problem I see a -lot- on that machine ; there are
a number of MMORPG online titles that don't work on the Mac for
exactly the same reason...(and ppl wonder why I use debian on it
a lot of the time =)... is still patching however (if you grab another window and
'wipe' it over the patcher window, the patcher image refreshes),
so I'll let it go and see what happens...

@Don -- have at it, futz away all you want.
I haven't revised the crosstie in ages. (pardon the pun)

@David - thanks mate ;)

Update: contrary to initial gut feelings, this does actually
run ok on the iMac w/ hd5670 video & MacOS 10.7.2 -- I did enable
emulated virtual desktop to get there, and the graphics look a
bit washed-out...(I'll pop a screenshot up in a moment)..and
character movement seems a bit jerky... but otherswise, it runs....


DO NOT set a library override for shlwapi.dll to native in the Wine Configuration libraries tab in CX11. It made the whole bottle useless. I can't even get winecfg to run now to change it back.

Playing for free is not a bad thing, but software companies have shown an unfortunate tendency to make their demo a little more than self-indulgent creature after the change, and it is hard to capture a player who could play for a long time and even pay for their items. play Age of Conan unChained.

Try this (patcher is bugged for windows players too)

Open file: LocalConfig.xml, delete content and paste copy this:

EU players;

<ClientHttpPatchAddr> </ClientHttpPatchAddr>

US players;


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