It installs & works perfectly with 9.20 Crossover x64. Using 10.10 ubuntu 64 bit operation system.
Use Winxp bottle. But before install, I suggest u to install Quick Time Alternative 1.6. U shouldn't install most updated version, cause if u try, it will give u an error, unknown version. Also don't try install quick time, it has got still very bad bugs.
Once u have installed Quick Time Alternative, install After Effects 6.5 on the same bottle. Then if u want u can update it 6.5.1. U can download update from adobe's official site.
What works: For now, it looks like everything works. Import video, export video, using effects.
What not works: if u try to export ur project with Render Queue, it gives u an error. So u can't export ur video as mpeg, gif. But it's not necessary, U can export ur video s avi, mp4, quicktime, image sequence with "File - Export". If u need mpeg badly,just export as avi or quick time & convert it
What not tested: Third party plugins didn't tested properly. for now it seems they could install.
What's confusing: I've tested this with 6Gb PC. But After Effects sees only 1.8 GB. I hope later versions that will gonna fix.