Dear all,
I have apparently found a way to run Illustrator 10 with Crossover 6.1 Standard (took me the whole afternoon, but what a pleasure to see it work)!
None of the tricks on the forum had worked for me, but after seeing DCOM98 among the list of applications installable in Crossover (in the "Install Windows Software" menu) here is what I tried:
step 1: I created a new win98-type bottle
step 2: in this bottle, I installed DCOM98 (from the list of supported applications: after selecting it, DCOM98 was automatically downloaded from Microsoft's website by Crossover)
step 3: in this bottle, I installed Illustrator 10 (using "install unsupported software" and selecting manually autoplay.exe from the CD)
The installation went on normally. An Illustrator 10 icon appeared in my "Windows Applications" Crossover menu, and clicking on it launched the software. Every function I have tried until now seems to work.
Let's hope that this simple way will also work for other users!
Best wishes,