This application works surprisingly well under cxoffice 3. Installation is painless -- put in the CD, follow the unsupported application installation procedure (all default answers worked for me -- no need for workarounds), and it'll install.
Once installed, it runs and appears quite stable.
I've only noticed two issues so far:
- font spacing is sometimes odd -- characters will sometimes appear to have a space between them when they don't actually have one....
- the application sometimes loses focus. This typically happens after working with lots of menus. I've not yet found a way to get the focus back.
The focus issue may be an artifact of my X environment (Gnome 2.6, metacity wm, focus follows mouse with autoraise).
All in all, quite usable. I've written several large documents in FrameMaker 7.1 under cxoffice, and greatly appreciate the speed over running FrameMaker on XP in VMware on the same machine! 😉