In the "menu" section you can choose to "recreate menu item" for most installed apps.
Otherwise, you can invoke wine and pass the location of the .exe file to wine as a command line argument. This would look something like: /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --check --cx-app C:////Program\ Files////Windows\ Media\ Player////mplayer2.exe You will notice that I used an example for launching Windows Media Player and that I used the Windows path starting at "C:" which really starts at your "fake windows" directory in the ".cxoffice/dotwine" hidden directory. Notice that a Windows slash is shown as "////" and that files and/or directories with spaces use the "\" as an escape charachter. You may have not installed CX Office in the "/opt" directory. If not, it's probably in your home directory. Once you get this working, simply create a desktop launcher containing the same command line.